Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Excel to vCard for simple utility

Vcard use to save data into the  computer system now day.it reason is that it have a lot of quality to saving data .but after coming of vcard to save data all user use to excel spread sheet to save their data .

excel sheet also a good spread sheet to save data but it have some drawback to make it useless ,and some quality to make it now useful like when you save any data or information into the excel file it has row and column that make a cell and save your data into the a cell and give next cell to other data and it allow to all mathematical calculation on the spread sheet so you use to all mathematical calculation of the excel file.

you save a lot of  data into the vcard , but some drawback make it unuseless like when you search any data into the excel file it take a lot of time to search data because this have a lot of cell and when you search any data it compare to all cell one by one so it take a lot of time second  drawback it that it work on only the msoffice so who can not work on the ms office they can not use to save their data into the excel file, third is that it can not allow to his distributive file so the user who work many places they face a lot of difficulties to use of excel file and waste their a lot of time to update every system to their daily updated file.

See these all drawback user want to use vcard . vcard have many other good qualities to stead of  excel file. Vcard is supported by all the system like iphone , android, htc etc. so you use vcard to save your data where the excel file not supported. Vcard allow to distributive file , in this condition the user who work to many places use vcard it reason is that vcard save their a lot of time that they waste to updates  their different system . searching into the vcard is very fast because when we put any data into the vcard it make a file for that data which we put and give him  a unique name and in this condion it compare only to that unique name when we search any data and give the result as soon as.

Using of the vcard you book ticket of movies, payment of bill, transfer to fund by the vcard. This all qualities make the vcard very useful. The new user use to save their data into vcard but some old user who have a lot information into the excel file is confuse so we give you a software which convert your all excel file to vcard and make you able to use vcard.

Now you use to excel to vcard converter that convert your all excel file to vcard very soon and save your a lot of time that you wast to rewrite the excel data to vcard.

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